Tin tức định cư Canada
Manitoba cấp thư mời diện Skilled Worker và International graduations
Manitoba invites 360 skilled workers and international graduations on August 15, 2019. In the latest draw, the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) issued a total of 360 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) for a provincial nomination for Canadian permanent residence through its Skilled Worker in Manitoba and Skilled Worker Overseas pathways and the International Education Stream.
Of the 360 LAAs issued, 32 came from candidates with a profile in the federal Express Entry system. The MPNP allows Manitoba to nominate eligible foreign nationals for Canadian permanent residence who have skills required by local employers. Candidates in the federal Express Entry system who were invited were required to have a valid Express Entry ID and job seeker validation code along with verifiable experience in an occupation on Manitoba’s In-demand Occupations List.
A total of 241 LAAs came from candidates in the Skilled Worker in Manitoba category, which provides a pathway to permanent residence for qualified temporary foreign workers and international student graduates who are working in Manitoba and have been offered a permanent position with an eligible employer. Skilled Worker in Manitoba candidates must register an expression of interest profile online and provide information on their education, work experience and proficiency in English or French, among other details. The profiles of eligible candidates are given a score out of 1,000 and placed in the Manitoba Expression of Interest (EOI) pool. The lowest-ranked candidate invited through the Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream had a score of 542.
A total of 83 LAAs came form candidates in the Skilled Worker Overseas category. Skilled Worker Overseas candidates issued LAAs in this draw were invited under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative, which include overseas recruitment missions organized by the MPNP in association with Manitoba employers. As same as the Skilled Worker in Manitoba category, Skilled Worker Overseas candidates must complete an Expression of Interest and meet the stream’s minimum requirements. The lowest-scoring Skilled Worker Overseas candidate in this draw had an EOI score of 685.
A total of 36 LAAs came from Candidates in International Education Stream. The International Education Stream is for Manitoba graduates who fit the province’s labour market needs. There are three subcategories in this stream: Career Employment Pathway, Graduate Internship Pathway, and the International Student Entrepreneur Pathway.
Chi tiết về diện International Student Entrepreneur xem tại website: http://advancepathway.ca/chuong-trinh-dinh-cu-du-hoc-sinh-khoi-nghiep-manitoba-mpnp-graduate-entrepreneur/